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About Hehongyuan

Zhejiang Hehongyuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2022. The company focuses on the integration and research and development of energy storage systems. The joint efforts of battery management systems, energy management systems, and energy storage controllers ensure the normal operation of the entire energy storage system! Smart energy storage enables bidirectional energy interaction and stability for new power systems, effectively improving energy structure! Our unlimited pursuit of technology has enabled us to create professional energy storage systems that can adapt to extreme weather conditions such as high temperatures, severe cold, and high altitudes. Low cost, high safety, and high capacity energy storage technology effectively meets the application needs of multiple fields such as intelligent transportation and smart grid!

In terms of energy storage, our company is able to meet the requirements of large energy storage battery pack equipment, which requires a large number of structural components to assemble and install battery cells. The high density, weight, and flammability of battery cells require structural components to meet these requirements. Our company has made research and development improvements in materials, mold structure, and production technology, and currently fully meets customer requirements, achieving batch supply.

Energy storage



储能的目的主要是实现电力在供应端、输送端以及用户端的稳定运行,具体应用场景包括:应用于电网的削峰填谷、平滑负荷、快速调整电网频率等领域,提高电网运行的稳定性和可靠性;应用于新能源发电领域降低光伏和风力等发电系统瞬时变化大对电网的冲击,减少“弃光、弃风” 的现象。



corporate culture


  • 核心价值观:高效,真诚,专业,合作,创新
  • 团队建设:我们始终坚持以人为本,打造优秀的技术、管理及销售团队,让每位员 工都是优秀的高端人才。
  • 人才建设:培养与引进优秀人才是公司人 力资源建设的重要组成部分, 实现并完成 人员高素质、高技术的转变。
  • 组织建设:我们将继续优化协作高效的组 织结构体系,整合资源,控制有力,快速 响应,共享成功。